Membership Renewal Are you renewing as an Individual or Household Member? INDIVIDUAL Individual Member Individual Training Member HOUSEHOLD Members Only One Household Training Member Two Household Training Members Please provide the names of each Member. If your other information is the same as last year, you need not provide it. Individual or 1st Household Member: 2nd Household Member All of the following classes will run continuously and you will be entered in that class or classes for the entire year. You need only contact the registrar if you wish to make a change. I am registering for (insert name of dog): Advanced (5:00) Advanced (6:45) Rally Novice Open Utility We need the help of ALL Training Members to effectively run our Club. As a Training Member, you agree to perform one task annually to benefit the Club and if you can't, you agree to make a $50.00 donation to the General Fund of PDTC. I would like to: Be a Board Member Assist with CGC testing Help with HEEL, our publication Help with our annual Obedience Trial, whether ahead of time or during the trial Help with the annual maintenance of our storage shed, including mat cleaning Take pictures during training to keep our website up to date Help with marketing: social media, website management I have read and agree to MY AGREEMENT WITH PDTC (Keep for your information). Signature of Individual or 1st Member Date Signature of 2nd Member Date Submit